壹周星闻 范冰冰请粉丝吃饭李晨买单;陈晓陈妍希领证虐狗;周董变胖“大家看不出来”;“寡姐”斯嘉丽•约翰逊晋升票房女神

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-18 23:00:13




Fan Bingbing, 34; Li Chen, 37, China

It has become a convention for Chinese celebrities to reward fans when they reach a milestone number of followers on SinaWeibo. Usually, that means a special selfie or a thank-you video. But when Fan Bingbing exceeded 50 million followers, she had something more munificent in mind. On July 2, the actress announced that five random people who shared one of her online posts would be invited to spend a day on a film shoot with her, followed by dinner. Li Chen, her boyfriend, will cover all the costs including the flights and hotel accommodations.


Munificent意为“慷慨的”,近义词有generous, liberal等。“秀恩爱”英文是public display of affection。




Sun Yaoqi, 29, China

The reel-to-real couple Chen Xiao and Michelle Chen (陈妍希) got their marriage license on July 5, and Michelle announced she’s pregnant. However, Sun Yaoqi, who costarred with the couple in Return of the Condor Heroes (《神雕侠侣》), revealed on July 2 that Chen Xiao once had a relationship with actress Zhao Liying. Sun soon issued an apology, admitting on SinaWeibo that her remarks may have been unbefitting, given the circumstances. “This was my first time chatting with fans on the video-streaming platform, and I said something without consideration... I didn’t mean to hurt anyone or create hype. I’ll be more prudent from now on,” she wrote on July 3.






Jay Chou, 37, China

Laugh and grow fat, as the saying goes. Since he got married and had a baby girl, the once-muscular singer Jay Chou has gradually gained weight. He put on 13 kg in just three years, ETtoday reported. “I am really gluttonous – I want to taste a bit of everything,” Chow said, “but nobody perceives (that I’m becoming fatter).” That may be changing, as his fans have certainly remarked a change. Many posted before-and-after photos of the singer’s weight gain, with comments like, “Thank you, Hannah Quinlivan, for having taken such good care of Chou”.


Gluttonous 意为“贪吃的”,近义词有edacious, greedy等。“增重”可以说gain/put on weight,“减肥”则是lose/reduce weight。


寡姐斯嘉丽•约翰逊成为北美首位登上十大票房影星的女性,不过相对于开心自己取得的成绩,她更对仅有一名女演员进入榜单感到不忿。据亚马逊旗下电影票房网站Box Office Mojo发布的数据显示,她参演的影片在美国本土总票房高达33亿美元。戳这里围观霸气美艳声音还超好听的寡姐。


Scarlett Johansson, 31, US

The Avengers star Scarlett Johansson is now Hollywood’s highest-grossing actress ever, according to rankings by Box Office Mojo. She has raked in $3.3 billion (about 22 billion yuan) at the North American box office, and she’s the only woman in the top 10. But Johansson was not quite ready to celebrate the ranking. “There’s something icky about me having that conversation unless it applies to a greater whole,” she told Cosmopolitan magazine. “I think every woman has [been underpaid], but unless I’m addressing it as a larger problem, for me to talk about my own personal experience with it feels a little obnoxious. It’s part of a larger conversation about feminism in general.”


Obnoxious意为“不愉快的、令人讨厌的”,近义词有loathing , contemptible等。





炸了!长腿配长腿, 抖森吻霉霉~外媒扒出的俩人细节都在这里了

她是所有男生的女神, 所有女生的榜样, 然而她却宣布暂时告别银幕

最后,告诉大家一个好消息~ 自从微信升级了新版本,大家可以置顶自己心水的公众号啦!操作办法就是:进入公众号——找到“置顶公众号”—— 开启。世纪君无比盼望着被你置顶哟~


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